主持 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目《基于“超分子滑轮”构筑多功能无液体离子导电弹性体,2024JJ6202》,2024/01-2026/12,5万元,在研。
1.Qiao Zhang#, Tao Li#, Abing Duan#, Shengyi Dong*, Wanxiang Zhao*, and Peter J. Stang*. Formation of a Supramolecular Polymeric Adhesive via Water−Participant Hydrogen Bond Formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141(20), 8058–8063.
2.Qiao Zhang, Wenbo Wang, Changyong Cai, Shuanggen Wu, Jialing Li, Fenfang Li, and Shengyi Dong*. Underwater Luminescent Labeling Materials Constructed from Supramolecular Approach. Materials Horizons, 2022, 9(7), 1984–1991.
3.Qiao Zhang, Shengyi Dong*, Mingming Zhang*, and Feihe Huang*. Supramolecular Control over Thermo-Responsive Systems with Lower Critical Solution Temperature Behavior. Aggregate, 2021, 2(1), 35–47.
4.Qiao Zhang, Yuhang Yin, Jingfu Song, Gai zhao*, and Shengyi Dong*. Effect of Spatial Configuration on Adhesion in 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane Derivatives. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 34(8), 108126.
5.Tao Li#, Qiao Zhang#, Doudou Li, Shengyi Dong*, Wanxiang Zhao*, and Peter J. Stang*. Rational Design and Bulk Synthesis of Water-Containing Supramolecular Polymers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(34), 38700-38707.
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